Small Claims ($1,500 or Less) (Lower)
$107.00 (SM00)*
Small Claims (Over $1,500 thru $3,000) (Mid)
$181.00 (SM01)*
Small Claims ($3,000 thru $6,000) (Upper)
$270.00 (SM02)*
Small Claims (Amended from lower to upper)
$163.00 (SMAM)
District Civil ($6,001 thru $20,000) ($6,001 thru $20,000 may be filed in DV or CV)
$302.00 (DV00)*
Circuit Civil ($6,001 thru $50,000) ($6,001 thru $20,000 may be filed in DV or CV) ($20,001 or more must be filed in CV) * Includes declaratory judgment that is a new filing * Includes non-monetary cases
$301.00 (CV00)
Circuit Civil (Over $50,000)
$401.00 (CV05)
Circuit Civil Jury Demand
$100.00 (CVAM)
Circuit Civil (Worker's Compensation)
$249.00 (CV02)
Domestic Relations (Original filing)
$249.00 (DR00)*
Domestic Relations (Modification/enforcement)
$352.00 (DRME)*
Child Support (Original & Modification)
$149.00 (CS00)*
$147.00 (JO00)*
Circuit Civil (Counterclaims, cross claims, third party complaint, third party motion, action for declaratory judgment, motion or complaint to appear as intervener or 3rd party plaintiff)
CV/DV/DR/SM (upper) (Motion for judgment, default judgment, or summary judgment - sometimes called judgment as a matter of law or motion for judgment)
Additional Plaintiffs (Small Claims and District Civil)
$50.00 ($500.00 max)
Additional Plaintiffs (Circuit Civil) *Loss of Consortium & Domestic Relations Excepted
$100.00 ($1,000.00 max)
Certification Fee
$5.00 per document
Civil Subpoenas
Child Support/Juvenile Subpoenas
Attachment, Garnishment, Execution
Pre-judgment Writ of Seizures
Withholding Termination or Filing Fee
Additional Defendants